Tips for Researching and Writing a Master’s Dissertation

All programs for Master’s have some extended form of individual projects, including an array of research components. In contrast, other causes which get taught always have a research task which is mainly known as thesis or dissertation. Professional consultants at can help you understand the most important features of Master’s Dissertation writing.

Difference between a Master’s dissertation and an undergraduate dissertation

The thesis for Master’s acts like a bridge that connects higher-level degrees in post-graduate and undergraduate study. Depending on the subject area you choose, the post-graduate dissertation does not contrast a lot with the undergraduate equivalent. You’ll have to produce a longer text, but you won’t be unfamiliar with the nature of the task if you completed the research project in your undergraduate study.

A Master’s dissertation is usually more extended than its undergraduate equivalent.

It’s usually between 15,000 to 20,000 words, but it varies according to institutions, courses, and country origins. You will identify and examine areas or specific issues surrounding a topic. The more complex structure will:

  • Provide you with the scope to investigate your subject in more subtle details, which is impossible in an undergraduate study.
  • Provide challenges in line with your effectiveness to organize your work internally and bolster individual components’ functionality in a persuasive and coherent argument.
  • Allows you to horn and develop a research methodology.

As a post-graduate student, you will need to assert and establish your academic community voice as a member through your Association with your study field. While studying for your undergraduate degree, the dissertation you wrote will have paved the way for you to prove your competence since developed over the years in the subject area you are looking in and the go-ahead to take independent task research.

The structure of a Master’s dissertation

By now, you should already know that dissertations don’t usually follow the same structure precisely as it is because of the differences better found in the programs for Master’s in various universities and countries alike. Various critical components bolster the design of a dissertation:

  1. The abstract

It is usually around 300 words in length, and it gets meant to summarize the dissertation. The abstract covers their research questions briefly, which you should answer in your paper, and it also covers the critical argument and the conclusion.

  1. Introduction

The main aim of the introduction is to give context to the whole dissertation, which sets out the objectives and aims that you have and provides the scope of whatever it is that you want to cover or achieve in line with your research. The introduction also gives an overview of the chapters that add to your dissertation.

  1. Literature review

The literature review trends to examine the research or scholarship that has been done or published already in the particular field that you are investigating. It goes ahead to provide several arguments as it situates the research you’re doing into the broader body and scope of your work. Therefore, you should analyze or evaluate through other publications and explain how the dissertation your rating will contribute knowledge to the existing literary work India area of interest. The section also tends to from the introduction parts, or it instead follows from it immediately.

  1. Research methodology

Most dissertations will require you to write a research methodology, but some, like humanities and arts, will not follow the same approach. In case you’re utilizing a given method for information collection to write your dissertation, you should ensure that you explain the process or rationale that supports your methodology’s choice. The humanities and art students tend to outline their theories and the approaches in the introduction instead of giving a final explanation of the methods to collect their data and analyze it.

  1. Results or the findings

In case you’re conducting research that involves experiments or surveys, then this is the section where you will present all the findings and results from the work you have done. You might place them in the form of charts, graphs order tables depending on the description or a study, and you can even write a brief description of the research components and what type of findings you got to have.

  1. Discussion

The discussion section tends to have the bulk of the whole paper, and you should ensure that you carefully structured this section utilizing related subchapters in chapters. Ensure that you have logical progress as you skip from one chapter onto the next one.

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